There is a common trait amongst Christians. They are dissatisfied. They are dissatisfied with what this world has to offer.
There is a common trait amongst Christians. They are dissatisfied. They are dissatisfied with what this world has to offer.
When I consider that my present pain
seems to be a culmination,
having risen gradually to its current din
I cannot help but wonder...
At how many points along the way
might help have come,
or had it even arrived already,
and I failed to avail myself of it?
My political rant for today is...
Somebody fell asleep at the switch, and I fear it is US!!!
I think "ink"
Should be spelled "inc"
It would save ink.
fetal: adj. — of or pertaining to feta cheese.
example: When asked what kind of cheese they preferred on their sandwiches, Bob expressed his love of Cheddar, whereas Bill assumed a fetal position.
Does everyone understand that our current health care system, in which the health care providers all get together with the insurance companies to work out how much will be paid for what, is simply a giant system of price-fixing? The insurers and the providers all get together at conventions in places like Las Vegas, and
We Christians know that God loves us. So much so, that ninety percent of us take God's love for granted. Face it, Christian, you take God's love for granted. You've heard so many times that God loves you, no matter what you do, that His love for you is firmly stuck into your consciousness.
August 15, 1996:
Bob Dole accepts his nomination at the Republican National Convention
Young people today don't get it.