On Electromagnetism and Intelligent Design
Most modern arguments for Intelligent Design focus on the complexity and elegance of all the various forms of life in our world, including ourselves.
Most modern arguments for Intelligent Design focus on the complexity and elegance of all the various forms of life in our world, including ourselves.
… Then the Lord God made the rib He had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man. And the man said:
This one, at last, is bone of my bone
and flesh of my flesh;
this one will be called “woman,”
for she was taken from man.
When I was about seven years old, I met God. I don't know how, or exactly when it happened, though I recall a couple of pivotal events. One was at the Douglas County Fair. There was a small tent in which my buddy and I were invited to see a short slide show about Jesus.
The greatest gifts, and the deepest truths of God are given and revealed only to those who trust in Him. Seems obvious on the surface, but wait until you receive one! Only then will you understand the greatness of the blessing, or the deepness of the truth.
I'm making my way back
To where, I haven't always been sure
And at times, I had no clue
But now I know, and I will die,
Seeing it through.
“I think, therefore, I am,”
thought the thinker.
“As I do, so am I,”
thought the doer.
And yet!—do they not both think, and do?
I waited, seemingly forever
to meet the one who is you...
And since that day I cannot resist
this unction to love you for all my life,
As though I am reflected in a mirror
of God's love for His own.
My love for you
is a reflection.
Sometimes I complain.
Sometimes I just feel sorry for myself.
Sometimes I am so self-absorbed, so self-centered, so preoccupied with myself and my circumstance that I loose sight of what's important.
Dear Reader: This article is not meant to be a universal statement of "the difference between men and women," or anything like that. This is not a global proclamation regarding the problems in all marriages. I offer it simply as food for thought.
Narcissism: self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects…