And when I saw Him for the first time
He looked to me to be a friend.
His gaze upon me felt like sunshine
piercing through the icy wind:
the wind of my soul and its great plans
to make a mark upon this world,
my great intentions and accomplishments
just melted away before His gaze
as I looked
at the face
of God.
I'd never given too much thought
to my ways and how they might compare
to what I'd do with eternity
stepping into it, 'cause it wasn't there.
But as I met my Lord that day
I began to realize my error,
that it wasn't up to me to lay
the burdens I thought I should bear.
It was He
who set
the plan.
For who can resist the mind of God,
Who can offer a viable alternative?
Shall we rebuff the Almighty,
shall I, indeed, insist?
Do I really think I know the best
path to the outcome of what I think
is the result which God Almighty seeks?
I surely am deluded if I thus affirm.
And I have yet
to find a vestige
of my own success.
And no wonder! For I am not God.
Though I like to imagine that I control
the circumstances of my life
They remain a rabid, rebellious flow
Of both conflict and fortune,
Favorable now, ugly then,
and invariably turbulent,
with scant prediction of where or when.
Thank God that He
is actually
in control.
For I am not, though my peers say I should be.
But no, I am not, and I know it.
So who is deceived—them, or me?
Should I accede to their self-help suggestions?
I think not, for I see clearly
what they refuse to observe:
A man makes his plans,
but God directs his steps.
Thus I
shall seek
His guidance.
For I have seen His face, and
He looks to me to be a friend.
His gaze upon me feels like sunshine
piercing through the icy wind of my soul.
I have no need to make a mark
on this dying world, regardless my intentions.
Those have melted away
in the light of His wonderful gaze.
That He has considered me
is enough for me to acquiesce
to His good and perfect will, which is
so much better than my own.
I am a fool
to persist,
thus I quit.
Like a man, I quit.
I know enough of the mind of God
to simply praise and adore Him,
My Savior.
For I
have seen
His face.