Here's the Thing...
The thing is, I'll turn fifty-two next month, so I've been having to deal with the sudden realization that my life is almost half over. It's caused me to wonder things like:
Possibility Does Not Inform Reality
If something is conceivably possible, must it therefore eventually occur?
Three Days Before [My Dad's Death]
O God,
Who has been my rock?
Who has been my anchor?
Who has been my guide?
Is it not You, O Lord?
My pride has at times
Seen no limits.
I have prided myself even in my own humility.
A disgrace, I say! Yet
You have not forsaken me,
Nor cast me aside.
The smattering of rain on my tin roof above me,
Flurries of Fall leaves swirling across the ground,
The chilled, dank wind blowing in out of a nondescript, gray overcast.
The Big Fizzle... Or Not!
So, here I am now.
Carl on Illacme socal
As I read a news article about the discovery of a new species of millipede here,
The Face of God
The End of My Rope
My rope is getting shorter
and I fear I'm near the end.
My bridge is overloaded
it will surely break or bend.
The fabric of my being
my fears shall shortly rend,
Yet my life shall still continue
for I've found myself a friend.
Not Why I Love my Wife
"I love my wife because she calls me out whenever I'm wrong, corrects my faults, and keeps me on the right path." ...said no real man, ever.
That's not why a real man loves his wife. So why can't women figure this out? Maybe it's because the men can't even figure it out.